I've been a HUGE Visual Kei fan for a long time now. I was into it a little bit, with my favorite V系 band being An Cafe, and then I moved to Japan, and with all of the amazing music and concerts, etc, I went a little V系 krazy. Now that I'm no longer living in Japan (I have sadly moved to Montreal), I don't want to be away from visual kei, so in this blog I will review awesome (and maybe sometimes not so awesome) Japanese rock (not just V系, but also j-punk and j-rock and other awesome Japanese music that I love) that I manage to get my hands on. I also read quite a few Japanese blogs, so if I feel like it (and happen to find the time), I'm hoping to translate some of those blogs here for you.

Yamamoto Yuusuke
I fought it, I really did, but by the end of my stay in Japan, I was Japanese Drama crazy, with a penchant for dramas including hot Japanese boys, such as Miura Shohei, Yamamoto Yuusuke, and Mukai Osamu. This blog will be a place for me to keep up to date and to keep you up to date with the awesome J-Drama there is out there. And to occasionally look back and remember or discover old J-Drama.

Jinnai Sho
My friends and family like to tell me I have an interesting sense of fashion. I think that really, I just have a very Japanese influenced sense of fashion. I love brands like Listen Flavor,Pink Latte, 6% Dokidoki, Liz Lisa, Arinko Chanpulu, and more! My absolute favorite brand is JSG. I believe in the power of kawaii and the power of hoodies, and I believe, if possible, all hoodies should have ears. All outfits should have SOME form of pink in them or, lacking that, at least something bright!
If I had more money, I would dress very differently. In this blog, I will talk about the awesomeness of Japanese fashion, how I do dress, and how I would like to dress. (and probably, I'll drool over quite a bit of JSG, aka Japanese Super Girl)
I'm sure there's no way I'll be able to keep up with all of this, but that's the plan to start with!
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